- Introduction (1:1-11)
Statement of theme and purpose (1:1-3)
Continuous cycle of life and events (1:4-11)
- An examination of temporal things (1:12-3:22)
Wisdom as life's goal (1:12-18)
Pleasure as an objective (2:1-11)
The paradox of wisdom (2:12-23)
God's wisdom and purpose in creation (2:24-3:15)
Man's accountability to God (3:16-22)
- An analysis of man's economic relationship (4:1-7:29)
Life of the oppressed is vain (4:1-16)
Vanity of religion and riches (5:1-17)
Capacity to enjoy is God-given (5:18-6:12)
Temperance practical in all things (7:1-19)
Man has fallen from original state (7:20-29)
- The limitations of man's wisdom (8:1-12:14)
Man's analysis limited to this life (8:1-17)
Life is designed for man's enjoyment (9:1-12)
Wisdom is practical and beneficial (9:13-10:20)
Advice to youth (11:1-12:7)
Conclusion -- fear God (12:8-14)