EXODUS (Greek for "going out, departure") - The book
of redemption from Egypt
- The Bondage in Egypt (1:1--11:10)
- The oppression (1:1-22)
- Preparation of the deliverer (2:1--4:31)
- Struggle with the oppressor (5:1--11:10)
- Moses confronts Pharaoh by word (5:1--6:9)
- Moses confronts Pharaoh with miracles (6:10--7:13)
- Moses confronts Pharaoh with plagues (7:14--11:10)
- First plague - Blood (7:14-25)
- Second plague - Frogs (8:1-15)
- Third plague - Lice (8:16-19)
- Fourth plague - Flies (8:20-32)
- Fifth plague - Disease on livestock (9:1-7)
- Sixth plague - Boils on man and beast (9:8-12)
- Seventh plague - Hail (9:13-35)
- Eighth plague - Locusts (10:1-20)
- Ninth plague - Darkness (10:21-29)
- Tenth plague - Death of firstborn (11:1-10)
- The Deliverance from Egypt (12:1--14:31)
- Deliverance by blood (12:1-51)
- Institution of the Passover (12:1-28)
- The tenth plague - death of the firstborn (12:29-51)
- Deliverance by power (13:1--14:31)
- Consecration of the firstborn (13:1-16)
- Crossing of the Red Sea (13:17--14:31)
- The Journey to Sinai (15:1--18:27)
- Rejoicing of the people of Israel (15:1-21)
- Testing of the people of Israel (15:22--17:16)
- Bitter trial at Marah (15:22-27)
- Hunger in Wilderness of Sin (16:1-36)
- Thirst at Rephidim - Massah & Meribah (17:1-7)
- Conflict at Rephidim - battle with Amalek (17:8-16)
- Governing the people of Israel (18:1-27)
- God's Covenant with the People of Israel at Sinai (19:1--34:35)
- Preparation for the covenant (19:1-25)
- Revelation of the covenant (20:1--24:2)
- Ten Commandments (20:1-26)
- Judgments (21:1--24:2)
- Acceptance of the covenant (24:3-18)
- Revelation of the tabernacle and its service (25:1--31:11)
- The revelation of the tabernacle (25:1--27:21)
- The revelation of the priesthood (28:1--29:37)
- The revelation of the service (29:38--30:38)
- The appointment of the builders of the tabernacle (31:1-11)
- The sign of the covenant - The Sabbath (31:12-18)
- The breaking of the covenant - the idolatry of Israel (32:1-35)
- The restoration of the covenant with Israel (33:1--34:35)
- The Construction of the tabernacle (35:1--40:38)
- Gifts of materials and workman for the tabernacle (35:1--36:7)
- Making the tabernacle (36:8--38:31)
- Making the garments of the priests (39:1-31)
- Inspection and blessing by Moses (39:32-43)
- Erection and dedication of the tabernacle (40:1-38)