1. Return from Babylon to Jerusalem (1:1-2:70)
    The edict of Cyrus (1:1-4)
    The preparation (1:5-11)
    The list of emigrants (2:1-70)

  2. Settlement at Jerusalem (3:1-4:24)
    The altar erected -- worship instituted (3:1-3)
    Feast of Tabernacles observed (3:4-7)
    Temple foundation laid (3:8-13)
    Cessation of building (4:1-24)
    (Opposition in later times) (4:6-23)

  3. The New Temple (6:1--6:22)
    Leaders stirred to action (5:1-2)
    Appeal to Darius (5:3-17)
    The royal Decree (6:1-12)
    Temple completed (6:13-15)
    Feasts instituted (6:19-22)

  4. Return of Ezra (7:1-8:36)
    Preparation (7:1-10)
    Decree of Artaxerxes (7:11-28)
    Organization for return (8:1-30)
    Journey and arrival (8:31-36)

  5. Reformation in Jerusalem (9:1--10:44)
    Problem of mixed marriages (9:1-5)
    Ezra's prayer (9:6-15)
    Public assembly (10:1-15)
    Punishment of the guilty (10:16-44)