The Gospel of Life


  1. Introduction (1:1-59)
    1. Prologue (1:1-18)
      1. The Eternal Word (1:1-5)
      2. The Witness of John the Baptist (1:6-8)
      3. The True Light (1:9-13)
      4. The Incarnation (1:14-18)
    2. The Witness of John the Baptist (1:19-34)
      1. John's witness to himself (1:19-28)
      2. John's witness to Jesus (1:29-34)
    3. Jesus' Call of His Disciples (1:35-51)
      1. The First Three Disciples (1:35-42)
      2. Philip and Nathanael (1:43-51)
  2. Signs and Discourses (2:1-12:11)
    1. First Sign: Water into Wine (2:1-12)
    2. Second Sign: Cleansing of Temple (2:13-25)
      1. Discourse with Nicodemus - The New Birth (3:1-21)
      2. John the Baptist's witness to Jesus (3:22-36)
      3. Discourse with the Samaritan Women (4:1-42)
    3. Third Sign: Healing at a Distance (4:43-54)
    4. Fourth Sign: Healing of Impotent Man on Sabbath (5:1-16)
      1. Feast of the Passover (5:1)
      2. The Healing (5:2-16)
      3. Discourse with Scribes and Pharisees: God's Son (5:17-47)
    5. Fifth Sign: Feeding the Five Thousand (6:1-15)
    6. Sixth Sign: Walking on the Water (6:16-21)
      1. Discourse: The Bread of Life (6:22-40)
      2. The Jews dispute Jesus' Claim (6:41-59)
      3. Discourse with Disciples (6:60-65)
      4. Peter's Affirmation (6:66-71)
      5. Feast of the Tabernacles (7:1-52)
      6. The Woman taken in Adultery (7:53-8:11)
      7. Discourse: The Light of the World (8:12-30)
      8. Discourse: The Truth and Freedom (8:31-59)
    7. Seventh Sign: Healing of Man Born Blind (9:1-41)
      1. Discourse: The Good Shepherd (10:1-21)
      2. Feast of the Dedication (10:22-42)
    8. Eighth Sign: Raising of Lazarus (11:1-44)
      1. Withdrawal of Jews (11:45-53)
      2. The Pharisees plot to kill Jesus (11:54-57)
      3. Jesus anointed by Mary (12:1-11)
  3. The Passion Week (12:12-19:42)
    1. The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem - Sunday (12:12-19)
    2. The Gentiles seek Jesus - Tuesday (12:20-36)
    3. The Jews reject Jesus - Tuesday (12:37-50)
    4. Passover and the Lord's Supper - Thursday (13:1-30)
      1. Jesus washes His Disciples' Feet (13:1-20)
      2. Jesus identifies His Betrayor (13:21-30)
      3. Jesus gives His New Commandment (13:31-35)
      4. Jesus fortells Peter's Denial (13:36-38)
    5. Parting Discourse with Disciples - Thursday (14:1-16:33)
      1. Christ the Way to the Father (14:1-11)
      2. The Promise of Greater Works (14:12-14)
      3. The Promise of the Holy Spirit (14:15-31)
      4. Christ the True Vine (15:1-17)
      5. The Hatred of the World (15:18-27)
      6. Persecution for Christ (16:1-4a)
      7. The Departure of Jesus and the Coming of the Spirit (16:4b-11)
      8. The Ministry of the Spirit (16:12-15)
      9. Jesus' Farewell to the Disciples (16:16-33)
    6. Prayer of Intercession - Thursday (17:1-26)
    7. Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus in Gethsemane - Thursday (18:1-12)
    8. Trial of Jesus - Thursday/Friday (18:13-19:16)
      1. Jesus taken to the Jewish High Priest (18:13-14)
      2. Peter's First Denial of Jesus (18:15-18)
      3. Jesus before the Jewish High Priest (18:19-24)
      4. Peter's Second and Third Denial of Jesus (18:25-27)
      5. Jesus before Pontius Pilate (18:28-19:16)
    9. Crucifixion and Burial - Friday (19:17-42)
  4. The Resurrection and Appearances of Jesus Christ (20:1-29)
    1. The Resurrection - Sunday (20:1-18)
      1. The Empty Tomb (20:1-10)
      2. Appearance to Mary Magadalene (20:11-18)
    2. Other Appearances (20:19-29)
      1. Appearance to the Ten - Giving of the Spirit (20:19-23)
      2. Appearance to Thomas and the Ten (20:24-29)
  5. Conclusion (20:30-21:25)
    1. Purpose of Writing (20:30-31)
    2. Appendix (21:1-23)
      1. Appearance to Disciples by Sea of Tiberias (21:1-14)
      2. Restitution of Peter (21:15-23)
    3. Authentication (21:24-25)