By: Harold Lindsell

  1. Birth and Childhood of Jesus (1:1--2:52)

    Preface (1.1-4)
    Birth of John the Baptist foretold (1.5-25)
    The birth of Jesus foretold [to Mary] (1.26-38)
    Mary visits Elizabeth (1.39-46a)
    The song of Mary: the "Magnificat" (1.46b-56)
    Birth of John the Baptist (1.56-66)
    Song of Zechariah: the "Benedictus" (1.67-80)

    The birth of Jesus the Christ (2.1-7; Mt 1.18-25)

    The angels and the shepherds (2.8-20)
    The circumcision (2.21)
    The presentation in the temple (2.22-28)
    The song of Simeon (2.29-35) The adoration of Anna (2.36-40)
    The boy Jesus in the Temple (2.41-52)

  2. John the Baptist: baptism & temptation of Jesus (3:1--4:13)

    The ministry of John the Baptist (3.1-20; Mt 3.1-12; Mk 1.1-8; Jn 1.6-8, 19-28)
    The baptism of Jesus (3.21,22; Mt 3.13-17; Mk 1.9-11)
    The genealogy of Jesus (3.23-38; cf. Mt 1.1-17)
    The wilderness temptation of Jesus (4.1-13; Mt 4.1-11; Mk 1.12,13)

  3. Public Ministry in Galilee (4:14--9:50)

    Jesus returns to Galilee (4.14,15; Mt 4.12-17; Mk 1.14,15; Jn 4.43-45)
    Jesus' first rejection at Nazareth (4.16-30)
    Jesus performing miracles at Capernaum (4.31-44)

    1. Casting out of unclean spirit (4.31-37; Mk 1.21-28)
    2. Peter's mother-in-law healed (4.38,39; Mt 8.14-17; Mk 1.29-34)
    3. Healing the sick; casting out demons (4.40-44; Mt 8.16-17; Mk 1.32.34)
    The call of the first disciples (5.1-11; Mt 4.18-22; Mk 1.16-20)
    The leper cleansed (5.12-16; Mt 8.1-4; Mk 1.40-45)
    A paralytic healed and forgiven (5.17-26; Mt 9:1-8; Mk 2.1-12)
    The call of (Matthew) Levi (5.27-32; Mt 9.9-13; Mk 2.13-17)
    The question about fasting (5.33-39; Mt 9.14-17; Mk 2.18-22)
    Jesus the Lord of the Sabbath (6.1-5; Mt 12.1-8; Mk 2.23-28)
    Jesus heals on the Sabbath (6.6-11; Mt 12.9-14; Mk 3.1-6)
    The choosing of the Twelve (6.12-16; mt 10.1-4; Mk 3.13-19)
    Sermon on the Mount:
    Beatitudes and other teaching (6.17-26; cf. Mt 5--7)
    The law of love (6.27-36; Mt 5.43-48)
    Censure and reproof (6.37-45; Mt 7.1-5)
    The parable of the two houses (6.46-49; Mt 7.24-27)
    The centurion's servant healed (7.1-10; Mt 8.5-13)
    The raising of the widow's son (7.11-17)
    John the Baptist's last message (7.18-35; Mt 11.2-19)
    Jesus anointed: the sinful woman forgiven (7.36-50)
    Christ's companions on his second preaching tour (8.1-3)
    Parable of the sower (8.4-8; Mt 13.1-8; Mk 4.1-9)
    The reason for parables (8.9,10; Mk 13.1-17; Mk 4.10-12)
    The parable of the sower explained (8.11-18; Mt 13.18-23; Mk 4.13-20)
    Christ's true kindred (8.19-21; Mt 12.46-50; Mk 3.31-35)
    The storm stilled (8.22-25; Mt 8.23-27; Mk 4.36-41)
    Demons cast out (8.26-39; Mt 8.28-34; Mk 6.1-20)
    The woman with the issue of blood healed and
    Jairus' daughter raised (8.40-56; Mt 9.18-26; Mk 5.21-43)
    The mission of the Twelve (9.1-6; Mt 10.1-15; Mk 6.7-13)
    Death of John the Baptist (9.7-9; Mt 14.1-12; Mk 6.14-39)
    The five thousand fed (9.10-17; Mt 14.13-21; Mk 6.30-44; Jn 6.1-13)
    Peter's confession and Christ's death and resurrection foretold
    (9.18-27; Mt 16.13-28; Mk 8.27--9.1)
    The Transfiguration (9.28-36; Mt 17.1-8; Mk 9.2-13)
    The unclean spirit cast out of the boy (9.37-43a; Mt 17.14-21; Mk 9.14-29)
    Jesus again foretells his death and resurrection
    (9.43b-45; Mt 17.22-23; Mk 9.30-32)
    Discourse on humility (9.46-50; Mt 18.1-5; Mk 9.33-37)

  4. The Journey to Jerusalem (9:51--19:27)

    Going to Jerusalem (9.51-56)
    Impulsive and reluctant followers (9.57-62; Mt 8.18-22)
    The mission of the seventy (10.1-24)
    The good Samaritan (10.25-37)
    Jesus visits Mary and Martha (10.38-42)
    Jesus' discourse on prayer (11.1-13; cf. Mt 6.5-15)
    Jesus answers the calumny of the Pharisees (11.14-28; Mt 12.22-45; Mk 3.20-30)
    Warning against seeking signs (11.29-32; Mt 12.38-42)
    The parable of the lighted lamp (11.33-36)
    Pharisaism exposed and denounced (11.37-54)
    Warning against the leaven of the Pharisees (12.1-12)
    Parable of the rich fool: covetousness (12.13-21)
    Trust or anxiety (12.22-34; cf. Mt 6.25-34)
    Exhortation to vigilance (12.35-40)
    Faithful and unfaithful servants (12.41-48; Mt 24.45-51)
    Christ the great divider (12.49-59)
    Jesus' call to repentance (13.1-9)
    A woman healed on the Sabbath (13.10-17)
    Parable of the mustard seed (13.18,19; Mt 13.31,32; Mk 4.30-32)
    Parable of the leaven (13.20,21; Mt 31,32)
    The narrow door (13.22-30)
    Jesus sends a message to Herod and weeps over Jerusalem (13.31-35)
    Jesus heals on the Sabbath (14.1-6)
    Parable of the marriage feast (14.7-14)
    Parable of the great banquet (14.15-24; Mt 22.1-14)
    Counting the cost (14.25--15.2)

    1. Parable of the tower and king going to war (14.25-33)
    2. Parable of the salt (14.34--15.2)
    The three parables of grace (15:3-32)
    1. The lost sheep (15.3-7; Mt 18.10-14)
    2. The lost coin (15.8-10)
    3. The lost son (15.11-32)
    Parable of the unrighteous steward (16.1-13)
    Jesus answers the Pharisees (16.14-18)
    The rich man and Lazarus (16.19-31)
    Jesus' teaching on forgiveness and faith (17.1-10)
    The healing of the ten lepers (17.11-19)
    The coming of the kingdom (17.20,21)
    Christ's Second Advent (17.22-37)
    Parable of the widow and the judge (18.1-8)
    Parable of the Pharisee and the publican (18.9-14)
    Jesus and the little children (18.15-17; Mt 19.13-15; Mk 10.13-16)
    The rich young ruler (18.18-30; Mt 19.16-30; Mk 10.17-31)
    Christ foretells his crucifixion and resurrection (18.31-34; Mt 20.17-19; Mk 10.32-34)
    Healing the blind man near Jericho (18.35-43; Mt 20.29-34; Mk 10.46-52)
    The conversion of Zacchaeus (19.1-10)
    The parable of the pounds (19.11-27)

  5. The Last Week in Jerusalem (19:28--23:56)

    The triumphal entry (19.28-40; Mt 21:1-11; Mk 11.1-11; Jn 12.12-19)
    Jesus weeps over Jerusalem (19.41-44)
    Second cleansing of the Temple (19.45-48; Mt 21.12-17; Mk 11.15-19; cf. Jn 2.13-22)
    Christ's authority challenged (20.1-8; Mt 21.23-27; Mk 11.27-33)
    Parable of the wicked tenants (20.9-18; Mt 21.33-46; Mk 12.1-12)
    Paying taxes to Caesar (20.19-26; Mt 22.15-22; Mk 12.13-17)
    The Sadducees and the resurrection (20.27-40; Mt 22.23-33; Mk 12.18-27)
    Christ's unanswerable question (20.41-44; Mt 22.41-46; Mk 12.35-37)
    Warning against the scribes (20.45-47; Mt 23.1-12; Mk 12.38-40)
    The widow's offering (21.1-4)
    The Olivet Discourse (21.5-38; Mt 24; Mk 13)

    1. The course of this age (21.5-19; Mt 24:1-14; Mk 13.3-13)
    2. The destruction of Jerusalem (21.20-24; Mt 24.15-28; Mk 13.14-23)
    3. The Second Advent of Christ (21.25-28; Mt 24.29-31; Mk 13.24-27
    4. The parable of the fig tree (21.29-33; Mt 24.32-35; Mk 13.28-31)
    5. Watchfulness (21.34-38; Mt 24.36-51; Mk 13.32-37)
    The plot to kill Jesus (22.1-6; Mt 26.1-5,14-16; Mk 14:1-2,10-11)

    The Last Supper (22.7-30)

    1. The Passover prepared (22.7-13; Mt 26.17-19; Mk 14.12-16)
    2. The Passover eaten (22.14-18; Mt 26.20-25; Mk 14.17-21;see Jn 13.1-30)
    3. The Lord's Supper instituted (22.19-30; Mt 26.26-29;
    Peter's Denial foretold (22.31-38; Mt 26.30-35; Mk 14.27-31; see Jn 14-17)
    Jesus in Gethsemane (22.39-53)
    1. His agony (22.39-46; Mt 26.36-46; Mk 14.32-43; cf. Jn 18.1)
    2. Jesus' betrayal and arrest (22.47-53; Mt 26.47-56; Mk 14.43-50; Jn 18.1-11)
    Peter's denial of Jesus (22.54-71; Mt 26.69-75; Mk 14.66-72; Jn 18.15-18,25-27)
    Jesus before Pontius Pilate (23.1-25; Mt 27.11-26; Mk 15.2-15; Jn 18.29-40)
    1. Pilate questions Jesus (23.1-5)
    2. Pilate sends Jesus to Herod (23.6-12)
    3. Pilate would free Jesus (23.13-17)
    4. Pilate releases Barabbas and delivers Jesus (23.18-25)
    The Crucifixion and burial of Jesus (23.26-56)
    1. Jesus on the way to Calvary (23.26-31; see Mt 27.32; Mk 15.21)
    2. Jesus crucified (23.32-38; Mt 27.32-44; Mk 15.21-32; Jn 19.17-24)
    3. The penitent thief (23.39-43)
    4. The death of Jesus (23.44-49; Mt 27.45-50; Mk 15.33-41; Jn 19.28-37)
    5. Jesus laid in the tomb (23.50-56; Mt 27.57-61; Mk 15.42-47; Jn 19.38-42)

  6. The Resurrection of Jesus

    The resurrection of Jesus Christ (24.1-12; Mt 28:1-10; Mk 16.1-8; Jn 20.1-18)
    The walk to Emmaus (24.13-35)
    Christ appears to the ten in Jerusalem (24.36-43; Jn 20.19-25)
    The great commission (24.44-49; cf. Mt 28:18-20; Jn 20.21; Acts 1.8)
    Christ's ascension (24.50-53; Mk 16.19-20; cf. Acts 1.9-11)