1. Greetings (1:1-4)
  2. Qualification of church officials (1:5-9)
  3. Cretan false teachers (1:10-16)
  4. Christian behavior (2:1-10)
    1. Aged people (2:1-3)
    2. Younger people (2:4-8)
    3. Slaves (2:9-10)

  5. Christian doctrine and life (2:11-3:7)
    1. The educating grace of God (2:11-15)
    2. Christians in pagan world (3:1-2)
    3. The contrast between paganism and Christianity (3:3-7)

  6. Closing admonitions (3:8-11)
    1. Do good works (3:8)
    2. Avoid false teachings (3:9-11)

  7. Conclusion (3:12-15)
    1. Personal request (3:12-13)
    2. Final exhortation (3:14)
    3. Greeting and benediction (3:15)


  1. Greetings (vv. 1-3)
  2. Commendation of Philemon (vv. 4-7)
    1. For his faith toward the Lord Jesus
    2. For his love to all the saints

  3. An apology for Onesimus (vv. 8-22)
    1. Plea for Onesimus (vv. 8-12)
    2. Paul considered sending back Onesimus (vv. 11-16)
    3. Appeal to Philemon to receive Onesimus (vv. 17-20)
    4. Paul has configence that Philemon will (vv. 21-22)

  4. Conclusion (vv. 23-25)
    1. Greeting (vv. 23-24)
    2. Benediction (v. 25)