Before we begin to examine the problems of philosophy and their solutions, let us examine the method that philosophy uses to solve these problems. We will first look at the history of the philosophic method.


    1. Socratic Method.
      This is the method of questions and answers that Socrates (c.470-399 B.C.) used in teaching by which he professes to impart no information, because he said that he had no information to impart. By the use of skilfully worded and pointed questions he draws out of the leaner the information. For Socrates believed that children are born with knowledge already in their souls but without some help thay cannot recall or recollect it (the theory of anamnesis). With this belief is associated what is called Socratic Irony; this is the profession of ignorance on the part of the questioner, who in fact is quite knowledgeable. By this method Socrates attempted to arrive at the meaning of certain concepts and the essence of things, that is, what they are, which the mind apprehends and expresses in definitions. This method of question and answer, called the dialectic (Greek, dia legein, "through speaking, discourse"), is illustrated by the story in the Meno of Plato where Socrates' questions a slave boy, leading the boy step by step to prove a special case of the Pythagoren theorem. When this method is applied to debate, one debater defends the thesis and another debater defends another proposition, called the antithesis or negation of the thesis. Through argumentation the truth or falsity of the thesis is discovered.
    2. Aristotelian Method.
      Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) developed the deductive method of reasoning that centered in the syllogism, that is, that form of reasoning whereby given two propositions, called the premises, a third proposition, called the conclusion, necessarily follow from them. The basis of syllogistic inference is the presence a common term, called the middle term, in the two premses, so related as subject or predicate to each of the other two terms that the conclusion may be drawn necessarily regarding the relation of these two terms to one another. For example, given the two premises "S is M" and "M is P", the conclusion "S is P" follows, where M is the middle term. Aristotle was the first to formulate the theory of the syllogism, and his minute analysis of its various forms involving the subject-predicate propositions is definitive, so that to this part of deductive logic little has been added since his day. Along side deductive reasoning Aristotle recognize the necessity of inductive method of reasoning, that is, the process whereby the premises of the syllogism, particularly the first premise, is established as an universal. Induction involves passing logically from particulars (the things known by the senses) to the universals or general statements. If this inductive process resulted in necessary and universal principles, the deductive syllogistic reasoning using these premises reults in demonstrated knowledge, which he called science. The procedure of science differs from dialectics, which uses probable premises, and from eristics, which aims not at truth, but at victory in disputation.
    3. Baconian Method.
      Francis Bacon (1561-1626) developed a form of the inductive method. Like Aristotles' inductive method the process of the method passed from particulars to universals, but the particular are facts and the universals are laws of nature. The purpose of this method, which he called the Great Instauration, was to enable man to attain mastery or power over nature in order to use it for the benefit of man. He insisted on an exhausive enumeration of positive instances of occurences of phemomena, the recording of comparative instances, in which an event manifested itself with greater and lesser intensity, and the recording of negative instances. A hypothesis is formed and experiments should be performed to test it. There are impediments to the use of this method, which he grouped under four headings or Idols:
      1. Idols of the Tribe, or human anthropocentric ways of thinking, for example, explanation by final causes,
      2. Idols of the Cave, or personal prejudices,
      3. Idols of the Market Place, or failure to define terms, and
      4. Idols of the Theatre, or blind acceptance of tradition or authority.
    4. Cartesian Method.
      The French philosopher Rene Descartes (Cartesius) (1596-1650), being dissatified with the lack of agreememt among the philosophers, decided that philosophy needed a new method, that of mathematics. He begins by doubting everything that did not pass his criterion of truth of clear and distinct ideas; that is, a proposition must be clear as a whole and distinct in its details and relations. Anything that passed this test was to be admitted as self-evident. From these self-evident truths, he deduced other truths which logically follow from them. Clear and distinct propositions are apprehended by the mind intuitively, like the axioms of geometry. Nothing directly apprehended by the senses is likely to be clear and distinct; rational intuition, therefore, not sensation, is the source of knowledge. Thus Descartes is a rationalist, not an empiricist. Each step in the proof of a theorem must be seen to be true intuitively and a series of these intuitions constitute a demonstration. Each step of a demonstration must be absolutely certain being seen intuitively with clearness and distinctness. Taking inventory of the ideas in his mind, he distinguished three types of ideas:
      1. Innate ideas, which were within himself but that he did not originate, such as the idea of himself,
      2. Adventitous ideas, which come to him from without through the senses,
      3. Factitious ideas, which are produced within his own mind by the imagination.
      He found most difficulty with the second type of ideas. Among the first type of ideas he discovered the idea of the thinking self. Though he could doubt all else, Descartes could not resonably doubt that he, who was thinking, existed as a res cogitans, a thinking thing. "Cogito ergo sum." ["I think, therefore, I am."] This famous statement is not a compressed syllogism, in spite of its form, but an immediate intuition of his own thinking mind. Another reality, whose existence could not be doubted, was God, the Supreme Being. Though he offered several proofs for existence of God, he was convinced that he knew this truth as an innate idea, which is a clear idea. But he did not have any clear idea of extra-mental bodies in the physical world. He suspected their existence but a logical demonstration was needed to establish this truth. He argued that God as a perfect being would not deceive us in thinking that they existed when they did not. By this and other arguments he convinced himself that these bodies do exist.
    5. Hegelian Method.
      The German philosopher, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) used a method he called the dialectic. On its formal side, the method is a triad of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Behind this triadic form lies the relationships of contrariety and its resolution. Everywhere in his writings this method is grounded in system; and the transition from thesis and antithesis to synthesis is held to be necessitated by the structure of the system within which it is grounded. This is the characteristic of the method that Hegel calls its negativity, its "holding fast the positive in the negative"; this characteristic is to him the essense of the dialectic. The thesis and antithesis are opposites, not contradictories. The kind of system which grounds this method is not the kind within which the principle of contradiction holds. Contradictories cannot be resolved; between them there is no ground of synthesis. Such systems of contradictories are abstract, that is, are exemplified only in formal deductions; they lack in factual content. The dialectic method is applicable only within systems that are factual, that is, that are made up of statements of fact and statements that are possibly grounded in fact. Here the principle of contrariety, not the principle of contradiction, holds; the dialectic method is identical with the resolution of contraries. Here, and here alone, to factual systems is the dialectical method applicable.
    6. Mill's Method.
      John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) held that inductive inference advances knowledge through the discovery of causal connections among phenomena. Mill elaborated a set methods based on the principles of association, which men use to separate causal relations from other phenomena. These rules of inductive inference are called Mill's Methods.
      1. Method of Agreement. Where two or more instances of a phenomenon have only one circumstance in common, that circumstance is the cause (or effect) of the phenomenon.
      2. Method of Difference. If an instance in which the phemomenon occurs, and an instance in which it does not occur, have all circumstance in common save one, that one occuring only in the former, the circumstance in question is the effect or cause, or part of the effect or cause, of the phenomenon.
      3. Joint Method of Agreement and Difference. This method combines the separate methods of agreement and difference.
      4. Method of Comcomitant Variation. If some part of the set of circumstances varies as the phenomenon varies, this part of the set of circumstances is causally related to the phenomenon.
      5. Method of Residues. Take away from the phenomenon what is known by previous inductions to be the effect of certain antecedents; the residue of the phenomenon is the effect of the remaining antecedents.
    7. Axiomatic Method.
      The method of constructing a deductive system, which consists of a set of axioms or postulates, undefined and defined terms, and specific rules for deducing all others statements of the system, called theorems. This method is used in mathematics and was devised by the Greek mathematican Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 B.C.), the founder of Euclidean geometry. He used this method in his famous work, The Elements, in 13 books. Euclid distinguished between axioms and postulates: axioms, he said, are "common notions," broader than geometry, which he regarded as self-evident, as true and not subject to doubt; postulates, on the other hand, are statements that are not self-evident, neither are they demonstrable, requiring proof, but are necessary for the demonstration of the theorems. Most modern mathematicans do not make this distinction between them, not regarding axioms as self-evident, and thus use the terms interchangeably, regarding axioms the same as postulates. The concept of axiom as self-evident in the history of philosophy has contained one or more of the following claims:
      1. They are indemonstrable but necessary propositions upon which one builds a deductive system,
      2. They are self-evident principles that are certain to any one who takes time to examine them carefully,
      3. They are, not only subjectively certain, but also objectively true,
      4. They are not derived only from experience, but are somehow innate in the human mind and are called forth by one's experience.
      Plato, Descartes, and Leibniz would make all four claims. Aristotle and Locke would drop the fourth (d) claim to innateness. Kant would drop the third (c) claim to objective truth while affirming the other three claims. Modern empiricism would follow Locke, except for Berkeley who would no doubt drop the third claim. Hume would probably drop the second (b) claim also. Mill and Russell would certainly make only the first (a) claim. Descartes attempts to claim (c) on the basis of (b), that is, he attempts to base objective truth or certainty on subjective certainty. The difficulties in making this argument has led to its rejection. John Locke's direct challenge of the concept of innate ideas in the first book of his Essays has been responsible for the wide spread rejection of innate ideas. Empiricism has been almost solely defined by this rejection, as rationalism has been almost solely defined by its affirmation of them.
    8. Scientific Method.