Theology as the science of God is based on the revelation of God. This revelation gives us knowledge about the true God and this revelation is recorded in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Theology as the science of God investigates this inscripurated revelation to formulate a body of general and systematic knowledge about the true God. And this inscripturated revelation provides the factual data for the verification of the explanatory hypotheses proposed to solve the theological problems, such as the origin of sin, the need for salvation, the necessity of the atonement, etc.
The necssity of theology is grounded in the fact that man must have a god. Since man must have a god, man's most fundamental problem is to determine which god is the true God. Theology is necessary because knowledge of God is necessary to solve this problem. This problem raises the problem of the general revelation of God: that is, apart from the special revelation recorded in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is there a general revelation of the true God?