John Wesley (1703-1791) in the 18th century recognized that there was deliverance from the Romans 7 experience, and he put forth the teaching that there was a second work of grace (the first work of grace was conversion), which he called entire sanctification, that would eradicate the sinful nature, cleansing from inbred sin and enabling those experiencing this work of grace to live without conscious or deliberate sin (Christian Perfection). But his explanation of this deliverance as the eradication of the sinful nature assumes that the struggle of Romans 7 is caused by the sinful nature. This assumption is wrong; the cause of the struggle is not the sinful nature, but being under law. According to Rom. 6:14, sin has dominion over the believer when he is under the law and the deliverance from the dominion of sin is to be under grace. The grace of God, God's love in action, delivers the believer from the dominion and slavery of sin by placing the believer back under the grace of God. God does this by not condemning the believer who is in Christ Jesus.
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus."Under the law, the law condemns those who sin; it does not deliver those under the law from the dominion of sin. But God does not condemn them but places them back under grace and delivers them from the dominion of sin ("the law of sin") and of death ("the law of death") by the operation of the Spirit ("the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus").
(Rom. 8:1).
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ JesusThe law separates the believer who is under law from God; this is practically the same as spiritual death. Thus the believer under law sins because he is practically spiritually dead. For the Christian to place himself under law is like placing oneself in spiritual death; the law has taken the place of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and it has the same results as spiritual death -- sin.
has set you free from the law of sin and of death." (Rom. 8:2).
Wesley, while recognizing that there was deliverance from the Romans 7 experience, misunderstood that deliverance as an eradication of the sinful nature. He did not recognize that the cause of the Romans 7 experience was being under the law, not the sinful nature. And he did not recognize this cause because his explanation of the need for salvation was legalistic (all men are under the law and all have sinned by transgressing that law) as was the explanation of Augustine and of the Prostestant Reformers.
In chapter 6 of his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul discusses the Christian's relationship to sin. This discussion was occasioned by the objection that was raised to Paul's teaching concerning the grace of God. In Rom. 5:20, Paul had said,
"And the Law came in that the transgression might increase;Misunderstanding his statement, Paul's opponents asks,
but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more".
"For sin shall not have dominion over you:This declaration leads to Paul's discussion of the relationship of the Christian to the law.
for you are not under the law, but under grace."
(Rom. 6:14).
But before he does that, Paul answers another objection to his teaching
concerning the grace of God,
"Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace?" (Rom. 6:15b)
Paul answers again with a denial and with his own question,
"6:15c May it never be!Then Paul thanks God that they (his readers) who were once the slaves of sin, have obeyed from the heart the form of teaching to which they were committed (Rom. 6:17), his teaching of the grace of God; "and having been freed from sin, you have become slaves of righteousness." (Rom. 6:18 NAS) In the rest of chapter 6, Paul explains the slavery of sin and it consequences (the wages of sin is eternal death) and slavery to God and its consequences, sanctification, and its end, eternal life ("eternal life is the gift of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Rom. 6:23).
6:16 Do you not know that
when you present yourselves to someone as slave for obedience,
you are slaves of the one whom you obey,
either of sin resulting in death,
or of obedience resulting in righteousness?"
(Rom. 6:15c-16)
In chapter 7 of his letter to the Romans, the Apostle
Paul discusses the Christian's relationship to the law.
This discussion actually begins with the statement in
Rom. 6:14
("you are not under law, but under grace.")
which raised the question in Rom. 6:15
("What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace?")
and its answer in 6:16 through 6:23.
Then Paul says that the Christian is not under law because
he has died with Christ to the law.
"7:4 Likewise, my brethren, you have died to the lawThen Paul discusses the experience of one who is under law. The man in Romans 7:7-24 is the Christian under law. This is not where the Christian should be -- he is not under law ( Rom. 6:14) because he is dead to the law (Rom. 7:1-6).
through the body of Christ,
so that you may belong to another,
to him who has been raised from the dead
in order that we may bear fruit to God....
7:6 But now we are discharged from the law,
dead to that which held us captive,
so that we serve not under the old written code
but in the new life of the Spirit." (Rom. 7:4, 6).
For the Christian to be under law is for him to be under the dominion of the law and to be a slave of the law ( Rom. 7:25b); this slavery to the law would be equivalent to an idolatry of the law which is basically what legalism is. The Christian becomes entrapped in this legalism when he believes the legalistic teaching that a Christian's relationship to God depends upon his submission to the law and he has accepted the legalistic claim that the law is the way to be delivered from the dominion of sin. But the law does not deliver from the dominion and slavery of sin, but rather the passions of sin are aroused or energized by the law.
"While we were in the flesh, our sinful passions,The law is not thereby sin ( Rom. 7:7), but sin finding opportunity in the commandment "Thou shalt not covet" works all kinds of covetousness ( Rom. 7:7-8). The law, instead of delivering from the dominion of sin, leads instead to the enslavement to sin ( Rom. 7:14, 25b). Instead of leading to life, as legalism promises, the commandment leads to death ( Rom. 7:10). Sin uses the commandment as an opportunity to come alive or active ( Rom. 7:9, 11). The man under law wants to do what is right, but he cannot do it ( Rom. 7:18). Thus legalism leads to the moral dilemma: the contradiction between what man is and what he ought to be ( Rom. 7:19). The end is defeat and despair.
aroused by the law, were at work in our members
to bear fruit to death."
(Rom. 7:5 ERS)
"7:7 What then shall we say?
That the law is sin? By no means!
Yet, if it had not been for the law,
I should not have known sin.
I should not have known what it is to covet
if the law had not said, 'You shall not covet.'
7:8 But sin, finding opportunity in the commandment,
wrought in me all kinds of covetousness.
Apart from the law sin lies dead.
7:9 I was once alive apart from the law,
but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died;
7:10 and the very commandment which was for life
I found to be death to me.
7:11 For sin, finding opportunity in the commandment,
deceived me and by it killed me.
7:12 So the law is holy, the commandment is holy and just and good.
7:13 Did that which is good, then, become death to me?
By no means! It was sin, working death in me through what is good,
in order that sin might be shown to be sin,
and through the commandment might become exceedingly sinful.
7:14 We know that the law is spiritual;
but I am carnal, sold under sin.
7:15 I do not understand my own actions.
For I do not do what I want,
but I do the very thing I hate.
7:16 Now if I do what I do not want,
I agree that the law is good.
7:17 So then it is not longer I that do it,
but sin which dwells within me.
7:18 For I know that nothing good dwells within me,
that is, in my flesh. I can will what is right,
but I cannot do it.
7:19 For I do not do the good I want,
but the evil I do not want is what I do.
7:20 Now if I do what I do not want,
it is no longer I that do it,
but sin which dwells within me.
7:21 So I find it to be a law that
when I want to do right, evil is present with me.
7:22 For I delight in the law of God
according to the inner man,"
7:23 but I see in my members another law
at war with the law of my mind and
taking me captive to the law of sin
which is in my members.
7:24 O wretched man that I am!
who will deliver me from the body this death?
7:25a Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! "
(Rom. 7:7-25a ERS)
The man in Romans 7:7-24 is the Christian under law. This is not where the Christian should be -- he is not under law ( Rom. 6:14) because he is dead to the law ( Rom. 7:4, 6). The Christian life depicted in Romans 7 is an abnormal (or subnormal) Christian life; there is no mention of the Holy Spirit in Rom. 7:7-24; the law has taken the place of the Holy Spirit. Such defeat and despair are not characteristic of the normal Christian life depicted in Romans 8 and elsewhere in the New Testament.
Most Reformed theologians interpreted chapter 7 of Romans as the normal Christian life. And they said that because the Christian after conversion still has a sinful nature, he will have an unending struggle with indwelling sin. His sinful nature (which is subject to sin) is in constant warfare with his new nature (which is subject to God's law). Even though he wants to keep God's law, he finds himself being compelled by his sinful nature to do the very things he hates. Although justified (declared righteous through the imputed merits or righteousness of Christ) and thus assured of salvation, there is still no deliverance from his sinful nature until he dies. He will finally be delivered from his sinful nature when he will be raised from the dead in the last day with an incorruptible body completely free from the presence of the sinful nature. Thus most Reformed theologians interpreted the 7th chapter of Romans as the normal Christian life.
Although most Reformed Christian theologians interpet this struggle of Romans chapter 7 as the normal Christian life, some other Reformed theologians teach the suppression of the works of the flesh (sinful nature) by the power of the Holy Spirit as Spirit-empowered law-keeping. Other Christian theologians reject this interpretation of the Romans 7 as the normal Christian experience and teach a second work of grace that eradicates the sinful nature from the Christian, delivering him from the Romans 7 experience. But in either case the Christian is still left under the law as a rule and standard of life and the "walk in the Spirit" is interpreted as nothing more than Spirit-empowered law-keeping. According to this teaching, the Holy Spirit is given to the Christian to empower him to keep the law and to make him morally perfect, conforming to the divine standard given in the law. This legalistic interpretation of the Christian life is the source of many of the psychological problems that Christians have today.
In verses 21 to 23 of chapter 7 of Romans, Paul gives the conclusion of his analysis of this dilemma.
"7:21 So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil is present with me.There are three laws operating in this experience.
7:22 For I delight in the law of God according the inner man,
7:23 but I see in my members another law
at war with the law of my mind
and taking me captive to the law of sin which is in my members."
(Rom. 7:21-23)
"Wretched man that I am!The law of death is this third law, this other law.
Who will deliver me from the body of this death?" (Rom. 7:24)
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ JesusThe law of death brings the man under law into captivity to the law of sin. Death leads to sin; that is, "because of which [death] all sinned" (Rom. 5:12d ERS).
has set you free from the law of sin and of death."
(Rom. 8:2 NAS)
There are three steps for deliverance from legalism that may be found in Romans 7:25b through 8:4:
"7:25b So then, I myself am a slave to the law of God with my mind,
but with my flesh I am a slave to the law of sin."
8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
has set you free from the law of sin and of death.
8:3 For what the law could not do,
in that it is weakened through the flesh,
God Himself, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh
and concerning sin, condemned sin in the flesh,
8:4 in order that the righteous acts of law might be fulfilled in us,
who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit."
(Rom. 7:25b-8:4 ERS)
In the next verse (Rom. 8:3), Paul says that the law of God does not have that power of action. But God did what the law could not do. What could the law not do? It could not stop sin. Sin as a slave master could not be stopped by the law from exercising its dominion over the believer who under law sought to be set free from the law of sin, the power of sin acting to make him sin. The law was powerless to set free from the law of sin. As Paul showed in the previous chapter ( Rom. 7:7-24), it was one thing to want not to sin, but it was another actually not to sin. Why could the law not stop sin? Because the law is weak through the flesh. The law relies upon human effort to do its commands. And human effort ("the flesh") is powerless to overcome the law of sin, the power of sin acting to make one sin. Legalism, in its overabounding confidence in the law, believes that the law has the power to stop sinning. It argues, "Does not man have the power to choose not to sin?" The fallacy of this legalistic argument is that it is one thing to choose not to sin but it is another thing to implement that choice. And man does not have that power; through the flesh the law is weak. This weakness of the law limits it and makes it unable to stop sin and to set free from the law of sin. God never intended that the law should save from sin; the purpose of the law is the knowledge of sin (Rom. 3:20; 7:7). God did not give the law so that by the works of law man could be justified or saved; not because man cannot do them because of his sinful nature, but because the law was never given for that purpose. Salvation by meritorious works of the law is excluded in principle as a way of salvation. Paul is here not saying that because of his sinful nature the law is not able to set free man from the law of sin, but that the law itself is powerless to set free man from the law of sin. It was not the purpose of the law to do that. God did not give it that power. Christian legalism by insisting that the law had this purpose says that the flesh here is the sinful nature to explain why the law is powerless accomplish that purpose. The sinful nature is not the reason for the powerless of the law, but it is the law itself that is powerless to stop sin and to set free from the law of sin and from the law of death. Since the law depends upon human effort ("the flesh") and since human effort cannot make alive, the law is weak through the flesh. As Paul says in Gal. 3:21, righteousness is not by the law because the law cannot make alive; the law does not have that power of action either. According to Rom. 8:2, the law or power of action of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus frees us from the law or power of action of sin and of death. Since death leads to sin, the Spirit delivers from the law of sin by giving us life in Christ which is deliverance from death. God does what the law cannot do; He sets the believer free by the law or power of action of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus from the law of sin by setting him free from the law of death.
God did this through the "sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh." (Rom. 8:3). In this phrase, Paul is referring to the incarnation, that is the Son of God becoming a man. In contrast to the Apostle John's statement in his gospel ("The word became flesh and dwelt among us," John 1:14), Paul here says that God sent His Son "in the likeness of sinful flesh." Because Paul uses the phrase "sinful flesh," rather than just the word "flesh", he uses the word "likeness" to describe how the Son of God became man. Paul's use of this word "likeness" here does not mean that Paul believed that Son of God did not become a true man, but that when the Son of God became flesh, He was without sin, that is he was not under the slavery of sin like the rest of mankind. The phrase "sinful flesh," or literally, "the flesh of sin," means the flesh under control and slavery of sin as a slave master. It does not mean that man has a sinful nature, that is, that man is inherently sinful so that he sins because his nature is sinful, but rather that man is "under sin" as slave master (Rom. 3:10). The word "flesh" (=human nature) here is qualified by the word sin because human nature is not inherently sinful.
But God sent His Son, not only "in the likeness of sinful flesh," but also "for sin." By this phrase, Paul is referring to the death of Jesus on the cross. This phrase might simply mean that Jesus' death was concerned with or about sin (peri hamartia), but because this Greek phrase is used in LXX to translate the Hebrew word which means "a sin offering" (Lev. 6:25, 30; Heb. 10:6, 8), this phrase may also refer to the sacrificial character of Jesus' death; it was "for a sin offering". God by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and through his death "for a sin offering" "condemned sin in the flesh," that is, put an end to the dominion of sin as a slave master over the believer. This is the only place in his letters that Paul uses this phrase "condemned sin in the flesh" to describe the death of Christ. The closest that Paul comes to this phrase is in Rom. 6:6: "in order that the body of sin might be annulled, that we might no longer be enslaved to sin." The phrase "the body of sin" is equivalent to the phrase "sin in the flesh." The flesh is the body; and "sin in the flesh" is the body under the slavery and control of sin as a slave master. The flesh is not the sinful nature, not the nature that makes man sin, nor the tendency to sin. The body and its desires are not sin nor sinful. Sin as a slave master may enslave the body and use its desires to do sins; but that does not make or mean that the body or its desires are sin or sinful in themselves (God created them).
This condemnation is not the condemnation of the sinner, but of sin as a slave master; sin as slave master is stopped from exercising its dominion in the flesh, over the body. The Greek word, katakrino, translated "condemned," literally means "to judge down, to judge against." This is the first function of a Biblical judge (Psa. 75:7): to put down the oppressor, who in this verse is sin, the slavemaster. God exercises the second function of a Biblical judge: to lift up the oppressed, by setting him free from the law of sin through the power of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. By the Spirit, God makes alive. The law is not able to do this - it cannot make alive.
"...for if there had been a law given which could make alive,It is through the death of Christ (Rom. 8:3), who put an end to sin's reign over us ("condemn sin in the flesh") by His death for us, and by His resurrection that we are made alive to God.
verily righteousness would have been by the law." (Gal. 3:21)
"6:6 Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with HimThe result is that "the righteous acts of the law are fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit." (Rom. 8:4). The Greek word, dikaioma, translated "righteous acts," here means acts of righteousness, concrete expressions of righteousness (see Rev. 15:4; 19:8; Rom. 5:16, 18). It can also mean a declarations of what is righteous, that is, a decrees, an ordinances (see Luke 1:6; Rom. 1:32; 2:26; Heb. 9:1, 10). Here it seems to have the former meaning. It is the righteous acts of the law that are fulfilled, and not just an observing of the decrees or ordinances of the law. Those who walk according the Spirit do not just keep the law but actually do the righteous acts of the law. The purpose of condemning sin in the flesh was that the righteous acts of the law are fulfilled in us "who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit." To walk after the flesh is to try to do the righteous acts of the law by human effort ("the flesh"). The believer must not do it that way. To walk after the flesh is to try to do the righteous acts of the law by human effort ("the flesh"), to live up to the standard of the law. That is what Romans 7 was all about and its result was failure and despair. The believer must not do it that way.
in order that the body of sin might be done away with,
that we should no longer be slaves of sin;
6:7 for he who has died is freed from sin.
6:8 But if we believe that we died with Christ,
we believe that we shall also live with Him,
6:9 knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead.
no more dies, death no more has dominion over Him.
6:10 For the death He died, He died to sin, once for all;
but the life that He lives, He lives to God.
6:11 So also you should reckon yourselves indeed to be dead to sin,
but also alive to God in Christ Jesus."
(Rom. 6:6-11 ERS).
And walking according to the Spirit is not Spirit-empowered law-keeping, that is, being under the law and coming up to standard of the law by the power of the Spirit. For the believer is not under law ( Rom. 6:14) because he is dead to the law ( Rom. 7:4, 6). Thus the walk according the Spirit is not Spirit-empowered law-keeping but it is Spirit-filled law-fulfilling by love (Rom. 13:8-10; Gal. 5:14). It is to be led by the Spirit ( Gal. 5:18), making all one's decisions with reference to the Holy Spirit as He personally guides and fills the believer with God's love. The walk after the Spirit is the moment by moment walk of faith and personal trust in the God who personally by His Holy Spirit reveals and communicates Himself and His love along each step of that walk. By walking after the Spirit, the believer will do the righteous acts of the law. He will love God with all his heart, soul, mind and his neighbor as himself (Matt. 22:37-40). Thus by love he will fulfill the righteous acts of the law. And it is by walking after the Spirit, that believer will fulfill the righteous acts of the law. He will love God with his heart, soul, and mind, with his whole being, and he will love his neighbor as he loves himself. This fulfillment of the righteous acts of the law is not Spirit-empowered law-keeping. It is to walk by the Spirit and to walk by the Spirit is to be led by the Spirit, and if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law ( Gal. 5:18).
True Christians (not nominal Christians, in name only) have the Holy Spirit. True Christians have accepted Christ and put their faith in Him and His death and resurrection. And as such they have received the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus ( Rom. 8:2). To be born again and to be alive to God is by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does this by revealing Christ and convicting (convincing) the unsaved of their need for Christ (John 16:7-11); The Spirit presents Christ to the unbeliever in the preaching of the Gospel. To receive Christ is also to receive the Holy Spirit. Paul says in Romans 8:9 to the believers at Rome,
"But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,To be "in the Spirit" is to be saved, and to be "in the flesh" is to be unsaved (Romans 7:5). But not everyone who has the Spirit dwelling in him is filled with Spirit; some are not "walking according to the Spirit", but "according to the flesh" ( Romans 8:4; Gal. 5:16, 25). And to walk according to the flesh is to attempt to live the Christian life by human effort alone apart from the Spirit of God; such ones attempt to live up to the divine standard in the law. They are under law and thus experience only defeat and frustration ( Rom. 6:14 ERS and Rom. 7:18-19 ERS). They are trying to do what only the Holy Spirit can enable them to do. To be under law is to walk according the flesh (by human effort). To walk according to the Spirit and to be led by the Spirit is not to be under law.
since the Spirit of God dwells in you.
If anyone have not the Spirit of Christ, this one is not his." (Rom. 8:9)
"But if you are led by the SpiritThose who walk according the Spirit bring forth the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit cannot be had apart from the Spirit; no human effort can produce that fruit. But those who walk according the Spirit fulfill the law without being under law.
you are not under the law." (Gal. 5:18).
"13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love one another;The goal is not moral or sinless perfection (conforming to the divine standard in the law) but love: love of God and love of our neighbor. This goal can be reached only if one is filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18-20).
for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
13:9 The commandments,
'You shall not commit adultery, You shall not kill,
You shall not steal, You shall not covet,'
and any other commandment, are summed uup in this sentence,
'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'
13:10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor;
therefore love is the fulfilling of the law." (Rom. 13:8-10).
And a Christian is filled with the Spirit if he has been baptized with the Holy Spirit. The baptism with the Holy Spirit has been misunderstood as the second work of grace that eradicates the sinful nature. This is not what the phrase means in the New Testament. The phrase "to baptize with the Holy Spirit" was first used by John the Baptist (Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33) of him who was to come after John, that is, the Christ or Messiah. Luke reports in Acts that the risen Jesus said,
"John baptized with water,This is obviously a reference to the coming of the Holy Spirit at the first Pentecost, of which Jesus also said,
but before many days you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit" (Acts 1:5).
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;This baptism with the Holy Spirit was an empowerment for service, to be His witnesses. Later, Peter refers to Pentecost as the baptism with the Spirit when he explains what happened at the conversion of Cornelius, the centurion:
and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem
and in all Judea and Samaria
and to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8).
"11:15 As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on themHow did Peter recognize that Holy Spirit had fallen on them and the gift of the Spirit? Because the same thing happened to them that happened to Peter and the others at Pentecost, they spoke with other tongues or languages (Acts 2:4; 9:44-47). This sign of the baptism with the Spirit of Cornelius, and those with him, was also the sign to Peter, and those with him, that the Spirit was also given to the Gentiles. Luke also refers to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost as being filled with the Spirit;
just as on us at the beginning.
11:16 And I remembered the word of the Lord, how he said,
'John baptized with water,
but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.'
11:17 If then God gave the same gift to them
as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ,
who was I that I could withstand God?" (Acts 11:15-17).
"2:3 And there appeared to them tongues as of fire,This coming of the Holy Spirit to them, which is the baptism with the Spirit, is the initial in-filling of the Spirit. Later they were again filled with Spirit (Acts 4:31). We believe that each believer, like these first believers, may be baptized with the Spirit as the initial in-filling of the Holy Spirit and may be refilled with the Spirit as the Spirit sees fit. Paul exhorted the Ephesian believers to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18). If anyone objects to the use of the phrase "baptized with the Spirit" to refer this initial filling of the Spirit, I will not quibble with him, as long as he recognizes that Christian believers should be filled with the Spirit and that there must be a first filling of the Spirit which may occur at conversion or later. Whether one speaks in tongues at this first filling of the Spirit, which one may do as the Spirit leads, is between him (or her) and the Spirit. But I will tell you that if anyone makes an issue with God of not speaking with tongues, he may not be filled the Spirit until he yields. This yielding to the Spirit is the necessary condition for being filled with Spirit. Paul makes it clear in his letter to Romans that presenting our bodies and its members to God is the logical implication of our acknowledgment of Jesus as Lord and Savior (Rom. 6:13; 12:1-2); and that includes presenting or yielding one's tongue. This does not mean that the Christian believer has become morally perfect or that he must clean up his life before he can be filled with the Spirit; the Holy Spirit will take care of cleaning up the believer's life after he is filled with the Spirit.
distributed and resting on each one of them.
2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
and began to speak in other tongues,
as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:3-4).
One more point; speaking in tongues at the initial filling of the Spirit is not the gift of tongues of which Paul speaks in I Cor. chapters 12 to 14. While all believers may speak in tongues at the initial filling of Spirit, not all have the gift of tongues and the accompanying gift of interpretation of tongues. The Spirit distributes the gifts of the Spirit as he wills (I Cor. 12:11). As Paul makes clear in I Cor. 12, the gifts of the Spirit are manifestations of the Spirit in the body of Christ for the common good (I Cor. 12:7). The empowering of the gifts and ministries of the Spirit are to be concrete expressions of love for one another in the body of Christ and those outside. The preaching of Gospel should be accompanied by signs and wonders:
"2:3 It [the so great salvation] was declared at first by the Lord,
and it was attested to us by those who heard him,
2:4 while God also bore witness by signs and wonders
and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit
distributed according to his own will" (Heb. 2:3-4).
The gift of tongues is not the speaking in tongues at the baptism of the Holy Spirit. But this is not the only misunderstanding of the baptiam of the Holy Spirit; the baptism of the Holy Spirit was misunderstood to be the Holiness second work of grace that was believed to eradicate the sinful nature in the Christian. At the beginning of the twentieth century during the Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit was misunderstood to be the Holiness second work of grace that was believed to eradicate the sinful nature in the Christian.
Neither of these interpretations of the baptism of the Holy Spirit are
Biblical; man in general and the Christian in particular does not have
a sinful nature. Man sins because he is spiritually dead;
"because of which [death] all sinned."
(Rom. 5:12d ERS) - not because he has a sinful nature.
"Therefore, as sin came into the world through one manAnd many Christians experience the lordship of sin when they are placed under law and are not under the grace of God ( Rom. 6:14 ERS). They sin, not because they have a sinful nature, but because they have been practically placed back into spiritual death.
and death through sin,
and so death spread to all men,
because of which [death] all sinned,..." (Rom. 5:12 ERS).
Now since there is no sinful nature that causes the believer to sin, then the baptism of Holy Spirit is not the eradication or supression of the sinful nature. But since the Christian sins when he or she is put under law ( Rom. 6:14 ERS), the baptism of the Holy Spirit may also be a deliverance from being under law to being under grace.
"7:25b So then, I myself am a slave to the law of God with my mind,God delivers believers from being under law through His word of unconditional love which says that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ ( Rom. 8:1 ERS). This is a word of grace and places the Christian back under grace. Being under law conditions God's love by our sins. God says that His love is unconditioned by our sins. Therefore, God does not condemn us for our failure under the law but delivers us from being under law and places us back under grace. For in His love, by His grace, God delivers us from the law of sin and of death by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ ( Rom. 8:2 ERS) and thus from wrath which is condemnation ( Rom. 8:1 NAS).
but with my flesh I am a slave to the law of sin.
8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
has set you free from the law of sin and of death.
8:3 For what the law could not do,
in that it is weakened through the flesh,
God Himself, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh
and concerning sin, condemned sin in the flesh,
8:4 in order that the righteous acts of law might be fulfilled in us,
who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit."
(Rom. 7:25b-8:4 ERS)
This deliverance by the operation of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has
been misinterpreted as an eradication of the sinful nature. But the law of
sin and law of death is not the sinful nature. The law of sin is the operation
of sin as a slavemaster and the law of death is the operation of death which
separates man from God. The law of death brings the man under law into
captivity to the law of sin (
Rom. 7:23).
That is, death leads to sin
["because of which [death] all sinned" (
Rom. 5:12d ERS).
"The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law"
(I Cor. 15:55 ERS)].
No sinful nature is necessary to explain the Romans 7 experience;
the man under law sins because he is practically spiritually dead;
the law separates him from God. And since the law cannot make alive (
Gal. 3:21),
it therefore cannot produce righteousness.
For the Christian to place himself under the law
is the same as placing himself in spiritual death;
it has the same results -- sin. For the Christian under law,
the law has taken the place of the Holy Spirit; the law thus
separates the Christian from God, and that is spiritual death.
Romans chapter 7 is not the normal Christian life; it is the struggle of the man under law, entrapped in the bondage of legalism, of being under law. And if the Christian falls into this legalism, there is deliverance.
"Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 7:25a).This deliverance often takes place with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The baptism with the Holy Spirit is the initial infilling with the Spirit. And if the believer is in bondage under the law, then he or she will be set free from this bondage when they are filled with the Spirit. But since the Christian life is often misinterpreted as living by the law, then the spirit-filled believer is often placed back again under law. And then the believer sins, and some interpret these sins as the lost of salvation and the need to be saved again. Among some other, this fall into sin is interpreted as an expression of sinful nature of the believer who has yielded to his sinful nature rather than living according to his new nature. Both these teachings misunderstand the reason for the fall into sin and do not recognize that the cause of the sin is being under law ( Rom. 6:14 ERS).
Being under law does not mean that the law is the cause of sin. As Paul points out in Romans 7:7-12, the law is good but for the man under law, sin uses the law as an opportunity to become active. And this law of sin becomes active because of the law of death ( Rom. 7:23). The law of God is not the law of sin, but being under the law allows the law of sin to become operative. And the law of sin becomes operative because the being under law allows the law of death to become operative. For the law cannot make alive ( Gal. 3:21), but brings death ( Rom. 7:10). Deliverance from the law of sin is by the deliverance from the law of death and deliverance from the law of death is by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus ( Rom. 8:2). Thus the law or power of action of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus frees us from the law or power of action of sin and the law or power of action of death. Since death leads to sin, the Spirit delivers from sin by giving us life in Christ which is deliverance from death. The law is not able to do this; it is through the death of Christ ( Rom. 8:3) who put an end to sin's reign over us ("condemn sin in the flesh") by his death for us (II Cor. 5:14-15; Rom. 6:10). The result ( Rom. 8:4) is that the righteous acts of the law are fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. To walk after the flesh is to try to do the righteous acts of the law by human effort ("the flesh"). The believer must not do it that way. Romans chapter 7 shows us the failure of this way. Only as we are delivered from being under the law (we died to the law in Christ's death: Rom. 7:4) and are set free from the law of sin and from the law of death by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus ( Rom. 8:2 NAS), do we experience the resurrection victory of Christ over sin and death. The Christian life is not Spirit-empowered law-keeping, but Spirit-filled law-fulfilling by love ( Rom. 8:4; 13:10); it is a joyful walk filled with the Spirit, trusting Him who loves us and gave Himself for us. And is a law necessary when we love and trust God? The law is for those who do not love and trust God -- though it will not save them -- the law cannot make them alive and it cannot produce righteousness ( Gal. 3:21), the righteousness of faith (Rom. 4:5, 13). But if the believer by faith is walking according to the Spirit, he will fulfill the righteous acts of the law ( Rom. 8:4). He will love God with his heart, soul, and mind, with his whole being, and he will love his neighbor as he loves himself. And this walk in the Spirit is possible only by being filled with the Spirit.
In conclusion, the following statements will summarize our findings concerning the problem of sinful nature.
The following statements will summarize our discussion concerning the Law and the distortion of the law called Legalism.
"Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not;That is, since the law cannot make alive, it cannot take away sin. There is no salvation by the law.
for if a law had been given which could make alive,
then righteousness would indeed be by the law." (Gal. 3:21)
This doctrine of the sinful nature is nowhere taught in Scriptures. None of the Scriptures usually cited in support of this doctrine (Psa. 51:5; Job 14:4; Eph. 2:3) says that man since the fall has a sinful nature, that is, that man sins because he is a sinner by nature. According to Rom. 5:12-15 ERS, all men sin because they are spiritually dead. Death is not the sinful nature. These are two totally different concepts. The sinful nature is the nature of man that is sinful and the nature of man is what man is - that which makes man what he is and what he does. The nature of anything is that essence of the thing that determines what it is and how it acts. The sinful nature is that nature of man, because it is sinful, makes him sin. Death, on the other hand, is a negative relationship of separation. Physical death is the separation of man's spirit from his body, spiritual death is the separation of man's spirit from God, and eternal death ("the second death," Rev. 20:14) is the eternal separation of man's spirit from God. Spiritual death is the opposite of spiritual life, which is to know personally the true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent (John 17:3). That is, spiritual death is not to know the true God and Jesus Christ He sent. Knowledge is a relationship between the knower and that which is known; it is not a nature nor the property of a nature. It should be clear now that death is not the sinful nature. A relationship is not a nature.
According to the Doctrine of Original Sin, the sinful nature causes death, but this does not mean that death is the sinful nature. Nowhere in the Scriptures does it teach this doctrine. Man's nature is neither sinful nor good, it is what a man chooses it to be. If one chooses to follow a false god, then his choices will be sinful. On the other hand, if chooses to follow the true God, then his choices will be righteous and good. And a man makes the choice of his god, upon the basis of whether he knows the true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, or not. If he does not know the true God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent, he will choose a false god; that is, he sins because he is dead (Rom. 5:12d "because of which [death] all sinned" ERS). And all men are sinners because they sin by choice (not that they sin because they are by nature sinners) and they sin because they are spiritually dead.
Since the law cannot make alive, there is no salvation by the law. The sinful nature is not needed to explain why man cannot save himself, because the law was not given by God for salvation. Man is spiritually dead and the law cannot make him alive ( Gal. 3:21). But the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus does make alive those who are spritually dead when they receive by faith the risen Jesus Christ as their Lord and their God. Jesus Christ is Life (John 14:6), and he who has Him has life and is alive to God (I John 5:11-12).